Commitment #2

to conciliate digital
and sobriety

Digital technology accounts for 10 to 15% of global electricity consumption.

However, the impact does not stop there, as the majority of negative externalities occur during manufacturing. This stage causes air, land and ocean pollution.

As a digital company, Optimal Ways has a role to play. We have become aware of our impact and we wish to act (in order to move) towards greater digital sobriety.


Our actions

Energy sobriety:
new LED lighting and change of electricity supplier with Enercoop allowed us to get closer to our goal.

Cyber World CleanUp Day :
Our participation alongside several clients has allowed us to remove a lot of Our involvement with several clients has resulted in the removal of unnecessary data in Google Analytics accounts.

Carbon footprint:
We are working worked with Carbo in order to calculate our carbon footprint and better understand the data related to our business.

Our Joys

We have reduced our electricity consumption by 22% by changing our lighting. Changing our lighting has helped us reduce our electricity consumption by 22%. This electricity now comes largely from renewable energy.

The Cyber World CleanUp Day experience at RougeGorge has been useful and a joyful moment. We will do it again! that we wish to repeat.

The work done with Carbo has shown areas for improvement. A good part of the team now prefers to come to the office by bike or electric scooter!


Participating in Cyber World CleanUp Day allowed RougeGorge to clean up the Analytics tools used on a daily basis and to raise awareness among the teams about the impact of digital technology on our carbon footprint.
It also contributed to RougeGorge’s CSR roadmap, which is also committed to a sustainable approach to the environment through the implementation of several actions.
CSR issues are at the heart of RougeGorge’s concerns and it is important for the brand in order to work with committed partners like Optimal Ways, who share the same values.

Élise Descamps, RougeGorge PIC


Our actions

Energy efficiency
The thermal insulation of our building’s outdoor facades will improve the energy balance of our offices.

Digital responsibility
Participation of the whole team in a digital mural followed by a Digital Responsibility Action Plan workshop with Declan Owens, climate and digital responsibility consultant. We are looking for solutions!

Carbon footprint
Thanks to Greenly, we are trying to better understand our action levers in order to reduce our carbon footprint.




We will continue our work to raise awareness and support digital sobriety by deploying a real program that will enable our customers to achieve better digital sobriety.

For the carbon footprint, we want to take concrete actions in order to achieve our goals.


Our commitments in pictures

To contribute our share for the planet

To conciliate digital and sobriety

To support sustainable employability

To help Retail for Good entrepreneurs

To learn and share


    Optimal Ways
    45/1, avenue de Flandre
    59290 Wasquehal
    Lille Métropole

    Telephone : +33 (0)3 59 36 50 35

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