The 7th edition of Measurecamp Amsterdam was successfully held at the Amsterdam Art Center, gathering an enthusiastic crowd of over 160 participants on April 20, 2024. This year’s event featured a wide range of topics, reflecting the industry’s significant growth and maturation in recent years.
As the sessions are taking place simultaneously, you will find here the article referring to those Nicolas Malo was able to attend: – Decisions vs. Analytics: People, process and technology issues by
Steen Rasmussen
– CRO is not enough. What’s next in e-commerce and retail: CLV, by Valentin Radu
– Unlocking the secrets of user conversion. How AI reveals conversion factors at Villamedia, by Eelco van Kuik
– Q&A session with a GA4 product manager, by Carly Boddy
– Correct your allocation deficiencies with Firestore + ssGTM, by Alejandro Zielinsky
Many thanks to theorganizing team for this excellent 7th edition!